Friday, January 15, 2010

Pop singers to Opera singers! -Continued:

I have to say though, it's a really interesting concept...Probably wouldn't work in US, sadly, because people entirely ignore classical music here.


  1. And the Brits can all give a big kiss in Paul Pott´s ass.Let´s hope that this isn´t just another fashion , really i love all sorts of music and i can´t say that i´m a real big Opera "conaisseur",still i can say that since i was a little boy i´ve learned to appreciate great voices like Caruso, or feel that same feeling of despair when Caruso sang "ridi Paglicço".So my only question is...these guys have been listening to Opera for how long ?

  2. I wish I could make a "wise crack "joke on this topic...:( I know too little about what the are talking about...One thing I do know though, I admire Katheirn Jenkins, at least she is making it and at least she is still singing :) I wish she could do something like Fado :) Ha!

  3. Don´t be mad at me :((((
    Suni....I love you ! :)
