Saturday, May 29, 2010

花样年华-"In The Mood For Love"

In the Mood for Love (The Age of Blossoms, literally in Chinese) is a 2000 Hong Kong film directed by Wong Kar-wai, a well known film director. The film described an love affair between two people, and what happens when they revisit the romance years later.

I love the sound track in this film, especially some of the old Chinese songs sung in English, and Nat King Cole's "Aquello Ojos Verdes"...

The song tracks really add flavor to the film, and it is indispensable to the audiences, in my opinion.


  1. Suni, I´m impressed.
    I really am and it´s not easy to impress me when one talks about movie scores.
    I´ve never seen this movie but i am very curious about it,i loved the fiddle and the simplicity of how it was used (who said that great music must be complicated ?).
    I think it´s also great that some Filmmakers in China are finally expressing themselves through great Cinema productions.
    The days of exporting kung fu movies all the time is finally over (aldo, i like some kung fu movies especially Bruce Lee but he was special and he was in is own way also a great Artist).
    And Nat King Cole,haaaaaa, there was so much to say about this great singer and composer.
    Few people know that he was also a great pianist.
    There will never be another Nat King Cole, he was one of a kind.
    Sorry for the long post, and thank you for this I loved it.

  2. Blogger suni said...

    Thanks, Diogo. I'm really impressed at your response :) First, I am in total agreement with you on the Kung Fu movie part, its golden age is now passed and the Chinese have to think of something other than smacking people in the face with a fest to impress audiences. Second, this movie is not made in mainland, eventhough I'm sure there are some collaborations. Sadly, in mainland (where I am from) there are so much regulations and inspections, it has been extremely difficult for some ambitious film makers to freely express themselves through the language of if you dare to make something the politicians don't adore, you will not have a chance to air it nationally. Which is why the mainland film industry, for the longest time, was nearly "non-productive" artistically and creatively. It is much better now, as the mainland policy makers are more (slight) opened with terms applied, we are seeing things made from individuals to "express", instead of "impress".
    Last, my first album was Nat King Cole's "unforgettable", it will forever be a winter album to me, because that's when I got it. And needless to say, his voice gives the pleasure of listening and studying from a great musician as well as a performer, with ample confidence and ease...Sorry for the long reply! :D

  3. I love those long replies so please don´t appologize for it.
    If there´s one thing that i find boring about blogging are those short dry awnsers that some bloggers give back to you, like: great (full stop)or awsome(full stop), really, this bothers me a bit, i would rather that people would disagree but Goddamnit !!! show me somehow that they aren´t robots.
    This isn´t your case, i love chatting with you, a you always teach me something new.
    Besides, i need the training writing in the English language.
    So thank you for the explanation about cinema and let´s hope for the future to watch some other great productions made in Hong Kong.
    We face a different yet troublesome problem here in Portugal.
    Some good pictures were and are made here however we suffer from a bad problem named competition.
    Really, how can Portuguese cinema compete with a multi million dollar industry like the one in the U.S. ?
    When a single special effect in a american movie is so expensive that would pay the entire industry of Portuguese cinema for the last 50 years.
    And i don´t know if you are aware but european cinema itself is suffering a real downfall because pirotecnic effects,3d special effects, and the best actors and actresses money can buy make a big difference between a box office and a movie that is often shot with a camcorder and tries to depict life for wath it is instead of a fake glamoured version of it.
    How´s this for a long post ?
    It kind of makes you wonder doesn´t it ?

  4. Ay, different countries, same problem. Well there is still a long way to go for both of us.
    I went to an animation school hoping to be "that animator who works for Disney", however Disney had cut its 2-D department and is only producing 3-D generated films now. That's why I changed to fine art and music, because I just can't see myself living on my desktop all the time, slaving myself over some silly corrections made by the producers and sponsors.
    All is worth it!!
