Monday, January 10, 2011

How do we cope with pain

Too often there is a good guy and a bad guy in every story told by one or a group of very sad and hurt people. But in reality there usually is no bad guy--there is just a bitte reality that hurts to recognize and accept. It is so easy to point fingers, judging some people for being so mean and seemingly thoughtless. When we ask ourselves - what do people who have been emotionally wounded typically do? They lash out and hurt other people, to get even, sometimes intentionally but often times not, because that is their way of coping with their pain. You don't have to be a celebrity for your past to dictate how you cope in the present or how you manage your anger by taking it out on others. If instead you try to take a minute to understand where each person is coming from it might help to make things more clear and to give you the opportunity to choose to cope in a different way, and hopefully have a better outcome. A little understanding can go a long way.
While some people are moving on to their lives, some are still stuck to the past. Some people choose to never get to know a person, but kept

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