Sunday, February 27, 2011

Our Hats are Off To You, Reneta Scotto!

Why do we sing? Is it for the fame? Is it for the spot light? Nein, it is because we simply love to sing, whether in shower, or on stage. The spot light, however, is good for pushing you to prefect the technique...

Reneta Scotto is legendary in the world of opera singers and fans. She is simply...sensational. The night at Hunter college began with a series montage of her childhood, young adulthood, first performance to eventually singing and coaching at the Met. When she was an under study for Maria Callas, she already had a solid technique, needing for a break point. In one occasion, she did, and made the over night sensation among opera fans. Not everyone is a fan of opera, but it's very hard to not love Scotto as a person; she is daring-not afraid to express herself, and certainly not a stage stiff. She is saturated with charm, wit and down-to-earth-ness. On top of all that, she is funny. Of course, there were plenty of Scotto's family and friends thee to show support, plus Placido Domigo, who came up stage to chat with the women he sang many times on stage with. Together they shared memories, sentiments, as colleagues, fiends, peers,as well as tachers of each other. The audience shared several clips of Scotto's performance, including a audition recording of her very first audition, where she was told "you have a voice, but you should really go back to play with you dolls...". Luckily, she didn't, or we won't have these moments---
Otello, Ave Maria

La Bohème, Si mi chiamano Mimì

My current vocal coach,a lovely lovely person who gave me tremendous support,was the personal assistant for Ms. Scotto for years. She speaks very highly of Ms. Scotto, in terms of her high integrity and standard. I would die to see them working together again!

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